beer and wild turkey night

child_abuse_2_by_missmurder724 at
 as the girl entered the room
the smell of breakfast cooking
left her uneasy
hungry but uneasy
he rarely cooked
most times expecting her to
but he didn’t like the way
she made eggs
when he was drunk
remnants of last night
a beer and wild turkey night
were scattered over the living room
everything empty
his friends had pawed at her
while he laughed
but none of them got her
this time
his eggs were getting cold
they had melted little pits
onto the styrofoam plate
last time this happened
he blamed her for buying
the crappy plates
and he beat her again
dropping her books
she scooped up his plate
if she was quick
she could slide the half cooked
half burned mess
onto a new plate
she was quick enough
but realized the bacon and sausage 
he had walked away from
were burning to a crisp
she’d have to throw it out
and start it over
god help her
if he’d used the last of it

message in a bottle

crossing the invisible barrier
i stood on the edge
and sent a message
a life line of sorts
connect i thought
beseeching that connection
a commonality of spirit
save me i pleaded
fooled me into thinking
there was a future
all that was sent
was a message in a bottle
a desolate souls salvation
floated uneasily away
the tide taking it under

the last

i think i’m done here
can’t find another reason to stay
a bottle once filled
with intoxicating elixir
spilled and empty now
nothing but bitter dregs
lace the sides and bottom
someone else’s putrid backwash
sometimes the party ends
but you just don’t know when
to go home
sunrise makes you cringe
and hold your aching head
you crawl away disgusted
another walk of shame
panties and dignity
hanging from the ceiling
promising that this time
will be the last